I received this fab award from the lovely Shazza.Shazza always pops by my blog and leaves lovely comments.She's also a fellow Scot.So thank you Shazza I'm honoured you passed it to me.
There is one condition with the award and that is you answer the following questions with one word answers.
So here it goes:
1. Where is your
cell phone? … handbag
2. Your hair?... curly
3. Your mother?…Glasgow
4. Your father?… Heaven
5. Your favourite food? …chocolate
6. Your dream last night?… none
7. Your favourite drink? … coffee
8. Your dream/goal?… healthy
9. What room are you in?… bedroom
10. Your hobby?… Crafting
11. Your fear?…spiders
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?… happy
13. Where were you last night? … home
14. Something that you’re aren’t?…perfect
15. Muffins?…blueberry
16. Wish list item? … R8(Audi)
17. Where did you grow up? … Scotland
18. Last thing you did?…Twitter
19. What are you wearing?…jeans
20. Your TV?…Big Bang Theory
21. Your Pets?…hamster
22. Friends? …special
23. Your life?… hectic
24. Your mood?…happy
25. Missing Someone?…definitely
26. vehicle?… Primera
27. Something your not wearing?…shoes
28. Your favourite store? …Craftology
29. Your favourite colour?…black
30. When was the last time you laughed?…today
31. Last time you cried?…can't remember
32. Your best friend?… precious
33. One place that I go to over and over? …computer
34. Facebook?… yes
35. Favourite place to eat?…Chinese
I'm supposed to pass this award on,but as I'm usually at the coos tail I'll let anyone who hasn't done it grab it for themselves.
Hopefully I'll be back to share a card with you.Just finishing of my project for my Scrapbooking class on monday.
Cass xxx
Cass xxx